iRex Group is Featured in Assembly Magazine
Trevor Hendricks2024-06-11T21:12:31+00:00iRex’s 80,000-square-foot facility allows our factory floor to be dynamic, scalable, and adaptable. This provides us space to invest in the latest technologies, like high-end equipment that allows us to process over 2 million feet of wire and cable each year with consistent precision every time. As a custom cable manufacturer, we need access to a wide variety of first-class wire processing equipment in order to provide customers with the highest-quality and most reliable cables for their diverse projects.
We are so proud to have been featured in Assembly Magazine for great improvements that Schleuniger equipment has made in our assemblies. From increasing overall production speed to providing cost savings to our customers, our staff has been able to utilize Schleuniger’s automated machines to produce accurate, high quality, customized cables.
See our featured article below, and be sure to check out Assembly Magazine for the latest in manufacturing news!

For more information on how iRex can assist you with your wire processing as well as custom cable needs, please feel free to reach out to us by utilizing our contact us form.